Representatives of the ministry at the meeting were Goran Romek, State Secretary, Renata Tomljenović, acting Head of the Directorate for Public Procurement Policy, Zoran Vuić, Head of the Sector for Implementation of Public Procurement Policy, and Marica Japundžić, Head of the Training Service.
Representatives of AmCham presented the position paper “Proposals for Amendments to the Public Procurement Act”.
Andrea Doko Jelušić, Executive Director of AmCham welcomed the announced changes to the Public Procurement Act, which are planned for the first part of 2025. AmCham's proposals aim to further improve the legislative framework in the field of public procurement, which would improve the relationship between the contracting authorities and bidders in Croatia. Topics that are extremely important include the improvement of the application of the most economically advantageous tender, a clearer definition of framework agreements and changes to public procurement contracts and supervision over the execution of public procurement contracts.
Goran Romek, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, thanked for the presentation of the position paper, which he considers a high-quality and well-prepared document that more clearly explains the challenges faced by bidders, i.e. economic entities.
The participants of the meeting agreed on the importance of public procurement for the Croatian economy and agreed on further cooperation in response to the amendments to the Public Procurement Act.
AmCham's representatives at the meeting, along with the Executive Director, were Ema Menđušić Škugor Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka Law Firm, Jelena Markulin, Johnson & Johnson, Ines Rohtek, EY Croatia and Dražen Malbašić, AmCham.
Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.
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