Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak
Category Patron Member
Industry: Financial Services
Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak – HBOR) is the Croatian development and export bank and export-credit agency, whose main task is to promote the development of the Croatian economy.
HBOR was established in 1992 by a special act.
Strategic guidelines of HBOR’s operations in the 2020-2024 period include the promotion of:
1. Development of equity and quasi-equity capital market
2. Economically and socially balanced and sustainable development of the Republic of Croatia
3. Internationalisation and globalisation of the Croatian economy
4. Competitiveness with an emphasis on innovation, digital transformation and Industry 4.0
5. Climate and energy neutral economy
HBOR places a special emphasis on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and less developed areas through the use of national sources of finance and particularly through the use of available EU funds.
Credit rating: BBB+/A-2 (outlook positive) rating assigned by the Standard & Poor`s
HBOR is the parent company of the HBOR Group that is comprised of HBOR, Hrvatsko kreditno osiguranje d.d. (HKO) and Poslovni info servis d.o.o. (PIS).