New York, June 11, 2018

Connecting Business Leaders

New York Stock Exchange, June 11, 2018

The leading international business association in Croatia

We are the voice of international business and the first choice for policy advocacy in Croatia.

We are the voice of international business and the first choice for policy advocacy in Croatia.

We connect business leaders, provide access to stakeholders and facilitate knowledge sharing. We ensure that our members have the opportunity to participate in the legislative process and contribute to the development of the Croatian economy and society.


Members experience

Ema Menđušić Škugor, Senior Associate
Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.

On Business Delegation to New York and San Francisco/Silicon Valley:

Excellent! A chance to get a short, yet in-depth view of how industry leaders handle digital transformation. A well rounded and well organized trip.

meet our members

Members experience

Stjepan Roglić, Supervisory Board Vice President
Orbico d.o.o.

On Business Delegation to New York and San Francisco/Silicon Valley: We are grateful for the invitation and organization of the particularly useful visit of our delegation to technological US companies. We witnessed presentations of leading internet services provider companies, artificial intelligence based software companies, consultants that already have their place on the international market as well as start-up companies which in Silicon Valley have unlimited technological and financial opportunities in promoting ideas and innovations.

meet our members

Members experience

Anita Cvetić Oreščanin, Member of the Management Board
Poslovna Inteligencija d.o.o.

We are delighted that our company actively participated in “Boardroom Discussions: Digital Transformation from CEO Perspective” program, through which we had the opportunity to become familiar with leading international practices, take part in interactive discussions and contribute with our insight into digital transformation through Create Value from Data topic. The highlight of the whole program was business delegation trip to the USA, which was excellently organized, where we visited leading international institutions and corporations and got inspirational insight into their own processes of digital transformation. I would like to thank AmCham for excellent organization of this program.

meet our members

Members experience

Ron B. Given, Branch Managing Partner
Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG-Podružnica Zagreb

AmCham was the first organization I reached out to and joined when I arrived in Zagreb from Chicago, and I am very glad I did. There is simply is no better way to quickly and thoroughly get into the flow of Croatian business and community life. It is a splendid organization with a first-class staff.

meet our members

Join AmCham

Join the leading international business community in Croatia.

Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.

Join us now