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Meeting with State Secretary Zdravko Tušek
January 26, 2023

Meeting with State Secretary Zdravko Tušek

AmCham representatives met with Mr. Zdravko Tušek, State Secretary and Mr. Zdravko Barać, Director of the Directorate for Animal Husbandry and Food Quality in the Ministry of Agriculture.

The topic of the meeting was AmCham's position paper „Proposal for an Ordinance on Reducing Ammonia Emissions in Pig Production“.

The proposal of the ordinance refers to the application of modern animal feeding technologies using rations composed by means of computer models with the application of data obtained from analyzes of individual feeds. Systematic application of this technology, which is also the experience of more technologically advanced countries, contributes to reducing ammonia production by up to 19%. In order to make more efficient use of nutrients, the aforementioned technology enables a significant increase in production productivity, in the form of food savings of 8.5%. Within the framework of the current capacities in the Republic of Croatia, in this way it is possible to produce approximately 55,000 pigs per year with the same consumption of resources. The proposed ordinance is based on the provisions of European regulations that apply in the Republic of Croatia as well as on the National Strategy of Croatian Agriculture until 2030.

The participants of the meeting agreed that it is a technology that contributes to the climate goals but alsi to a better nutrition of pigs. The continuation of AmCham's cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture was agreed.


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