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Metroteka d.o.o.

Category Small Business Member Industry: Consulting

Metroteka is a calibration laboratory with one of the largest ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation scopes in Europe.

Besides our calibration, temperature/humidity mapping and qualification services, we provide education and consulting services for many clients. Metroteka will assist you with knowledge and experience through its education programs, which are covering a wide spectrum of metrology and quality topics. If you are looking to improve your performance, and/or product and service quality we are offering Lean Six Sigma programs too. Our diverse range of clients and industries that we have collaborated with, confirms that we are fully adaptable towards our clients, and our cooperation and programs are always best rated in region.

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Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.

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