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Gala Evening - Thank You
September 23, 2022

Gala Evening - Thank You

We thank all the sponsors of the event who covered the entire costs of this evening and we thank all the members and guests who bought tickets and made it possible to donate all proceeds from the sale of tickets, in the total amount of HRK 100,000, to SOS Children's Village Croatia! We published a photo gallery and a short film from the event.

The traditional Gala Evening organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia gathered around three hundred guests, representatives of the Croatian business community, the Government, international organizations, and diplomatic bodies.

All revenue from ticket sales in the total amount of HRK 100,000 was donated to SOS Children's Village Croatia. We would like to thank all sponsors who covered the entire cost of the Gala Evening, and all members and guests who bought tickets.

You can see all the photos in the photo gallery of the Gala Evening and a short film on our YouTube channel.

Thank you once again to everyone and we look forward to the next Gala in 2023 and the celebration of the 25th year of AmCham in Croatia.

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Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.

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