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INsig2 d.o.o.

Category Small Business Member Industry: Information Technology

INsig2 is a company specialized in integrated security solutions, digital forensics solutions and services, and software development

INsig2 is a company specialized in integrated security solutions, digital forensics solutions and services, and software development and maintenance. INsig2 security solutions combine hardware and software platforms, which is why we can provide integration services to clients in the field of logical and technical security. In the field of digital forensics, we provide a wide range of services, from consulting and education to equipping laboratories, always keeping up with the latest technologies. INsig2 also provides software development and maintenance services through continuous investment in new technologies in order to adapt to client requirements. Since 2004, INsig2 has been providing services for both the private and public sectors; law enforcement authorities, defense forces, legal bodies, international organizations, the technology sector, banking institutions, pharmacies, public health, and others. Our extensive experience and knowledge allow us to recognize clients’ needs and requirements and provide them with the best-customized solution. Professional services and clients’ satisfaction is our primary goal!

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