Representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ms. Branka Augustinović, Ms. Renata Tomljenović, Mr. Anton Tomljanović, Ms. Mateja Matković and Mr. Zoran Vuić hosted AmCham members for a meeting.
The topic of the meeting was two AmCham’s position papers “Value-Oriented Public Procurement in Healthcare with Examples of Good Practice” and “The Supplier’s Obligation to Report on the Performance of the Framework Agreement in Joint Procurement Procedures in Healthcare”.
Besides presenting abovementioned papers AmCham welcomed announced changes of the Public Procurement Act announced for third quarter of 2024. AmCham announced its active involvement in the process in hopes that the business community’s inputs will be integral part of the planned changes.
Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.
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