At the meetings, AmCham presented two position papers “Value-Oriented Public Procurement in Healthcare with Examples of Good Practice” and “The Supplier’s Obligation to Report on the Performance of the Framework Agreement in Joint Procurement Procedures in Healthcare”.
AmCham representatives met with Ms. Slađana Čižmek, Head of Sector for Public Procurement in the Ministry of Health.
At the meetings AmCham presented two position papers “Value-Oriented Public Procurement in Healthcare with Examples of Good Practice” and “The Supplier’s Obligation to Report on the Performance of the Framework Agreement in Joint Procurement Procedures in Healthcare”.
AmCham Croatia has prepared these documents providing specific recommendations regarding the public procurement of medicines, medical devices and equipment. The aim is to ensure that future Croatian healthcare procurement practices, including unified public procurement, allow the introduction of innovations and directing the procurement towards providing maximum value for money. That would improve clinical outcomes and the economic efficiency of the healthcare system to benefit the economy and society as a whole.
Also, AmCham believes that the provisions obliging suppliers to submit reports are not in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act. Article 313, paragraph 2 of the Act, clearly prescribes control of the performance of contracts awarded in public procurement procedures as an obligation of public contracting authorities. The inclusion of such obligations is particularly difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises. AmCham proposes that provisions obliging suppliers to submit reports should not be included in the procurement documentation in the future.
Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.
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