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Welcome new member: AGB Nielsen istraživanje medija d.o.o.
April 16, 2019

Welcome new member: AGB Nielsen istraživanje medija d.o.o.

Nielsen is an international company present on all five continents, devoted to the highest standards of independent measurement of consumer behavior. One of Nielsen''s specialties is the measurement of TV programme consumption.

Nielsen is also the leading company in TV measurement, providing reports, analytics and publishing surveys about TV coverage and consumption since 1976. The company's great success has been achieved thanks to the use of the electronic devices (peoplemeters) and secure weighting system and algorithms that guarantee high data accuracy.
Nielsen in Croatia has a representative panel of 2,500 respondents, each of whom is covered by clear agreement in accordance with GDPR guidelines. All Nielsen TAM data users (TV Audience Measurement) have access to this data through Arianna Software.
In addition to TV viewing measurement, Nielsen has also developed advanced solutions for measuring digital contents as well.

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