Representatives of AmCham met with Mr. Zvonimir Majić, Head of the Sector for Management of Special Categories of Waste, accompanied by colleagues Ms. Žana Žaić and Mr. Žarko Lukić from The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF).
The topic of the meeting was AmCham's position paper “Comments on the Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging Waste, Single-use Plastics, and Fishing Gear Containing Plastic”.
Different labeling of beverage packaging that is in the deposit refund system for beverages intended for sale on the Croatian market compared to beverages intended for export, which are exempted from the deposit refund system according to the legislation (Article 17, paragraph 2, read in conjunction with Article 30, paragraph 7 of the Ordinance), will undoubtedly bring additional burdens for manufacturing industries with a significant share in all state revenues.
AmCham and its members actively engaged in the public consultation process, providing constructive proposals. We also welcome and support the Government’s efforts in fulfilling the goal of higher packaging waste recycling and overall waste reduction.
Insisting on only one way of applying the legal solution, which inevitably brings significantly higher logistical and administrative costs for certain industries, is not a comprehensive solution to the problem and needs to be reviewed. AmCham, therefore, proposes the following:
-Under a regulation that has yet to be adopted (Article 30, paragraph 13 of the Ordinance), envisage paying a flat-rate fee for the packaging of beverages intended for export, which will be lower than the fee determined for the packaging of beverages sold on the Croatian market. That would mean that the beverage producers would pay flat fees for the entire exported quantity.
-Pay fees for the beverage packaging returned. In that case, producers should be obligated to submit internal reports on products sold on the Croatian market, the Fund should be obligated to report on return rates regularly, and producers would pay deposit refund fees for the determined difference in beverage packaging.
It is anticipated that public authorities will prioritize activities aligned with the objectives of the circular economy. AmCham believes that achieving these goals requires a partnership with the business community and other parties. Effective collaboration between the industry and the competent institutions in implementing and securing necessary funding requires long-term planning of activities and costs. AmCham calls for a dialogue that takes into account both the expectations and needs of public authorities and the needs and capabilities of industry representatives, upon which a significant portion of the planned circular economy depends.
AmCham representatives at the meeting included Andrea Doko Jelušić, AmCham; Linda Križić, Heineken Croatia; Lejla Dautović, Atlantic grupa; Ivan Mesić, Carlsberg Croatia; Vlasta Nesek, Zagrebačka pivovara; Sandra Bartolec Kovačević, Coca Cola HBC and Dražen Malbašić, AmCham.
Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.
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