Public Procurement Committee


1. Changes to the National Public Procurement Act

  • Changes to the national Public Procurement Act are expected in 2025. AmCham plans to follow the process closely and contribute by providing perspective of the business community via existing position papers or preparation of new position papers.

2. Evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives

  • The European Commission is set to launch an evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives. The process will be focused on several topics, such as the level of competition in the EU public procurement market, the simplification of the current mechanisms and the achievement of strategic objectives. AmCham will prepare inputs for the Evaluation based on existing positions or by creating new position papers.

3. Guidelines for value-based, innovative, green and sustainable public procurement

  • Utilization of value-based, innovative, green and sustainable elements in public procurement in Croatia is low. Current challenges and risks should be addressed by drafting practical guidelines and highlighting examples to encourage contracting authorities to apply advanced criteria in the future.

AmCham plans to organize two Workshops in Public Procurement in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy in 2025.

  • Workshop 1, Spring 2025: "The Role of Economic Operators in Joint Bidding, Subcontracting, and Reliance"
  • Workshop 2, after the adoption of the new PPA: “Novelties in the Public Procurement Act”

Representatives of the following member companies participate in the work of the Committee: 
A1 Hrvatska d.o.o.
Abbott Laboratories d.o.o.
Aion d.o.o.
Altium International d.o.o.
ALTPRO d.o.o.
Auto Hrvatska d.d.
CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Podružnica Zagreb
D-Business Consulting International d.o.o.
Deloitte d.o.o.
Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
E.ON Hrvatska d.o.o.
Ernst & Young d.o.o.
Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak
Hrvatski Telekom d.d.
IBM Hrvatska d.o.o.
INA - industrija nafte d.d.
IQVIA Adriatic d.o.o.
Iron Mountain Hrvatska d.o.o.
Johnson & Johnson S.E. d.o.o.
LEDO plus d.o.o.
Medical Intertrade d.o.o.
Medika d.d.
Medtronic Adriatic d.o.o.
Merck Sharp & Dohme d.o.o.
Novartis Hrvatska d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Ilej & Partneri d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Porobija & Špoljarić d.o.o.
PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. (PwC Croatia)
Radnik d.d.
Roche d.o.o.
SANDOZ d.o.o.
Solvership d.o.o.
Teknoxgroup Hrvatska d.o.o.
TOKIĆ d.o.o.
Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG-Podružnica Zagreb

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